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SoPost Feedback Options

Choose the feedback option of your choice (Reviews, Survey)

Written by Clemence
Updated over a week ago

Please choose one of the two options.

Questions within each survey cannot be edited or removed however, we can add 2-4 custom questions into the feedback journey.

Option 1 - Review

Please note that Reviews can be syndicated with PowerReviews, BazaarVoice and Yotpo.

Standard Question

Response Options


Short text input.

Overall, what rating would you give your {{Product Name}}?

Five-star rating

Review Title

Short text input.


Long text input.

Have you recommended {{Product Name}} to a friend since receiving it?

● Yes

● No, but I will in the future

● No, I wouldn't recommend {{Product Name}}

How likely is it that you would buy {{Product Name}} in the next 6 months?

● Already purchased

● Extremely likely

● Very likely

● Somewhat likely

● Not very likely

● Not at all likely

Consumer Demographics



What gender do you identify as? (optional)

● Female

● Male

● Other gender identity

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

How old are you? (optional)

● Under 18

● 18-24

● 25-34

● 35-44

● 45-54

● 55-64

● 65+

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

Option 2 - Survey

Brand Feedback

Response Options

Before ordering your sample, had you heard of [BRAND]?

  • Yes

  • No

Before receiving your sample, had you tried [BRAND]?

  • Yes

  • No

Have you recommended [BRAND] to a friend since receiving your sample?

  • Yes

  • No, but I will in the future

  • No, I wouldn’t recommend

Product Feedback



Before ordering your sample, had you heard of ​{{Product Name}}?

  • Yes

  • No

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

Before receiving your sample, had you tried {{Product Name}}?

  • Yes

  • No

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

Overall, what rating would you give your {{Product Name}}?

  • 1-5 star rating

Have you recommended ​{{Product Name}} ​to a friend since receiving it?

  • Yes

  • No, but I will in the future

  • No, I wouldn’t recommend

How likely is it that you would buy {{Product Name}} in the next 6 months?

  • Already purchased

  • Extremely likely

  • Very likely

  • Somewhat likely

  • Not very likely

  • Not at all likely

Consumer Demographics



What gender do you identify as? (optional)

● Female

● Male

● Other gender identity

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

How old are you? (optional)

● Under 18

● 18-24

● 25-34

● 35-44

● 45-54

● 55-64

● 65+

Not included when

sampling via Glamour

Beauty Club. This

information is already part of every consumer’s profile.

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